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Documenting the journey rediscovering my piano hobby.

Project maintained by jjvanzon Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

🗣 Frédéric Chopin - Mazurka Op. 24, No. 2

JJ van Zon, 2021


Phrase Structure

Phrasing and repetition structure.

There is a melody, base notes, unbroken chords/intervals, subtle contretemps.

prefix 1a
verse - chorus 2 - 3a
intermezzo 1 4
verse - chorus 2 - 3a - 3b
intermezzos 2 & 3 5a - 5b - 6
verse - chorus 2 - 3a
suffix 1b

Fragment 1: Prefix & Suffix

In the beginning, fragment 1a is shorter.
In the end fragment 1b is more elaborate, longer.

It is mostly alternating intervals: 3rd - 6th - 3rd - 6th.

Fragment 2: Verse

Repeated 3 times in the song.
Has 2 similar halves.
a - b - a’ - b’
The 2 halves differ by a trill like structure near the start.
b is a transposed version of a, with different chords. Basically the minor counterpart chords.
The 2nd time it repeats, the first chord is sustained slightly longer:
a’’ - b - a’ - b’

Fragment 3: Chorus

The verse (fragment 2) is always followed by a chorus (fragment 3).
Repeated 3 times in the song.
a - a - b - c
a - a’- b - c
The 2nd time with an extension (called fragment 3b):

Fragment 3b

A suffix of the chorus (fragment 3).
Just a C note and G note, but different combinations of different octaves at different times.
Bit hard to remember. The first 2 measures increase in numbers of tones at the same time. The 2nd 2 measures go from little to many to less notes at the same time.

Fragment 4: Intermezzo 1

Repeating the same chord progression 4 times.
a1 - a2 - a3 - a4
The melody is a playfully different variation each time.

Trying to capture the structure of each melody variation:

There are slight variations even still, not mentioned, but the above may help memorize things.

Fragment 5: Intermezzo 2

Moves from C major to Dᵇ major (5 flats).
It is structured rather regularly:
a - b - a - c
a - b - a a’ - c’
The a’ and c’ at the melody goes to the left hand (called fragment 5b).

Fragment 6: Intermezzo 3

Intermezzo fragment 5 is directly followed by intermezzo fragment 6.
It goes to minor.
Melody in left hand.
It basically repeats a theme 4 times.
2nd time melody moves an octave lower.
a - a - b - c
a - a - b - c’
(melody octave lower)
a - a - b - c
a - a - a’ - a’’
