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🔉 Nord Piano 4 Sound Selection

JJ van Zon, 2021-09



Here I list some of my favorite sounds for my Nord Piano 4 digital piano.

Piano Selection

String resonance seems to matters (Lrg size has it).

Like More

Score Category Name Remark
8-D Mid tones Royal Grand 3D XL nice, bit subtler than Lrg
8-D Bright Silver Grand XL nice, Lrg nice too, XL bit more subtle
8-D Mid tones Amber Upright XL nice, subtler than Lrg
8-D Soft Mellow Upright XL nice, quite more subtle than Lrg and worth it
:-D Soft Velvet Grand Only XL seems nice
:-D Mid tones Grand Imperial XL matters (vs Sml), Mid tones harsh, EQ difficult
:-) Bright Grand Upright XL string resonance nice
:-) Bright Baby Upright Characterful, XL matters (vs Sml)
:-) Soft Beethoven FortePBroadwood Characterful, XL matters (vs Sml), Lgr sounds similar
:-) Soft Bambino Upright Characterful, XL matters a bit (vs Sml)
:-) Bright Italian Grand XL adds depth (vs Sml)
:-) Soft Mozart FortePno Characterful
:-) Detuned / Steinway No 1 Characterful a bit, Lrg only

Like Less

Score Category Name Remark
:-/ Bright White Grand XL nice, but big, subtler than Lrg, maybe not worth it
:-/ Bright Bright Grand XL less effective
:-/ Bright Studio Grand 1 Lrg max size
:-/ Soft Concert Grand 1 Amb EQ soft better, Lrg max size
:-/ Soft Studio Grand 2 Lrg max size and matters
:-/ Hollow Queen Upright Mid tones harsh, Lrg max size
:-/ Hollow Grand Lady D Lrg max size and matters a little
:-/ Metallic Romantic Upright Lrg max size and matters (vs Sml)
:-/ Metallic BlueSwede Lrg max size and matters, not best but subtle
:-/ Metallic Black Upright Lrg max size, nothing wrong with it, just not best
:-/ Metallic Rain Piano Lrg max size and matters a bit, a bit of character
:-( Detuned HonkyTonkUpright Not a fan of detuned.
:-( Detuned Saloon Upright Not a fan of detuned.
:-( Hollow Concert Grand 1 Not a fan of detuned.


Made the following bundles with piano sound selections (np4pbundle files).
They all may take up most of the 1 GB memory for piano sounds.

  1. Pianos Very Most Favorite XL (Royal, Silver, Amber, Mellow, Velvet)
  2. Pianos Favorites XL & Lrg (Royal XL, Silver Lrg, Amber XL, Mellow XL, Velvet XL, Imperial Lrg)
  3. Pianos Nice Ones Lrg (Royal, Silver, Amber, Mellow, Imperial, Grand Upright, Baby, Beethoven, Bambino, Italian)
  4. Pianos Nice Ones Med Mostly (Roy M, Sil M, Amb M, Mel M, Beeth M, GrdUpr M, It M, Imp M, Bamb M, Baby M, Stein XL, Moz S)
  5. Pianos Many Small Versions (Roy Sil Amb Mel Vel Beeth GrdUpr It Imp Bamb Baby Moz Wht Bri Stu1 ConcAmb Stu2 Queen Lady Rom BluSw Black)
  6. Pianos Characterful XL (Beethoven, Bambino, Baby, Steinway, Mozart) and 3 Favorites Lrg (Royal, Silver, Mellow)

Electric Piano Selection

Here are some I like better:

Category Name
Bright Attack Ballad EP1
Bright Attack Hybrid EP
Bright Attack Silver EP
Soft NP8 Nefertiti
Soft Wurlitzer 2
Bright Clavinet D6
--- ---
Mid Electric Grand 3 Amped
Bright French Harpsichord 1D Lo8 Lo4

Fairlight Sound Collection Selection

Source Cat. Name Category Remark
Keys Basso Fairlight_CMI 3.0 Electric Piano  
Keys Clav 4 Fairlight_CMI 3.0 Electric Piano Characterful
Keys Clav 7 Fairlight Electric Piano  
Keys EPia Fairlight Electric Piano Soft with bright attack
Keys ElecP1 Fairlight Electric Piano  
Misc Chiano Fairlight Electric Piano  
Misc Gtaraa Fairlight Electric Guitar  
Misc Harp2 Fairlight Accordion  
Misc Kalim Fairlight Tuned Percussion  
Misc PD Fairlight Tuned Percussion  
Misc Ster1 Fairlight Synth Lead  
Misc Viblo Fairlight Tuned Percussion  
Misc Vibmid Fairlight Tuned Percussion  
Orchestral F Horn 2 Fairlight Brass  
Orchestral Flugelbone Fairlight Brass  
Orchestral K1 Fairlight Brass Low nice
Orchestral Loststr2 Fairlight Synth String Low nice
Orchestral PizzHi Fairlight String Pizzicato  
Orchestral Pizzopen Fairlight Acoustic Guitar  
Orchestral StrSus Fairlight Synth String  
Orchestral Sweet Horn Fairlight Brass  
Orchestral Trumpet 2 Fairlight Brass  
Orchestral Trumpet 8VB Fairlight Brass  
Orchestral Trumpet Fairlight Brass  
Orchestral V3Sus Fairlight Synth String  
Orchestral ViolPiz3 Fairlight String Pizzicato  
Orchestral ViolPiz5 Fairlight String Pizzicato  
Plucked BassRick Fairlight Synth Lead  
Plucked Blat Fairlight Electric Piano  
Plucked Guitar1 Fairlight Organ  
Plucked Guitar2 Fairlight Electric Guitar  
Synth Eff1 Fairlight Organ  
Synth FBass Fairlight Synth Bass  
Synth MClav2 Fairlight Electric Piano  
Synth MbWowSus Fairlight Synth Lead  
Synth SynBss2 Fairlight Organ  
Synth TLap2Syn Fairlight Synth Lead  
Voice Arr Fairlight String Ensemble Low nice
Voice Arr1 Fairlight Choir  
Voice Mmm Fairlight Choir  
Voice Oohh1 Fairlight Synth Pad  
Wind Bot Fairlight Organ  
Wind Bot2 Fairlight Choir Low nice
Wind ClarHi Wood Wind  
Wind Flte Fairlight Wood Wind  
Wind FltPian Fairlight Wood Wind  
Wind Ocarina Fairlight Organ  
Wind Sax Fairlight Brass  
Wind Swannee Fairlight Wood Wind  
Keys Clav 1 Fairlight Electric Piano  
Keys Clav 3 Fairlight Electric Piano  
Keys ElecP2 Fairlight Electric Piano  
Keys ElOrg Fairlight Organ Redundant
Misc Bar Fairlight Tuned Percussion  
Misc Melodium Fairlight Accordion  
Misc BassMar Fairlight Tuned Percussion Redundant
Misc Mondorg2 Fairlight Accordion  
Misc Steel2 Fairlight Tuned Percussion  
Misc VibHi Fairlight Tuned Percussion  
Misc VibUp Fairlight Tuned Percussion  
Orchestral BowedBass4 Fairlight String Solo  
Orchestral Brass 1 Fairlight Brass  
Orchestral Cellpizz Fairlight String Pizzicato  
Orchestral MeloHorn Fairlight Brass  
Orchestral OldHorn Fairlight Brass  
Orchestral Pizzopen2 Fairlight Plucked  
Orchestral SHBowB Fairlight String Pizzicato  
Orchestral StgeSolo Fairlight String Solo  
Orchestral Trumpet Hi 2 Fairlight Brass  
Orchestral Trumpet MidHi Fairlight Brass  
Orchestral VhiSus Fairlight Synth String  
Orchestral ViolPiz4 Fairlight String Pizzicato  
Orchestral VlapizzG Fairlight String Pizzicato  
Plucked FuzzGuit Fairlight Electric Guitar  
Plucked Gtr Fairlight Acoustic Guitar  
Plucked Gtr4 Fairlight Acoustic Guitar  
Plucked Mandolin Fairlight Acoustic Guitar  
Plucked MufBass Fairlight Synth Bass  
Synth MBrass Fairlight Brass  
Synth MBrass2 Fairlight Brass  
Synth MdEeyaw2 Fairlight Synth Lead  
Synth MdOotwa Fairlight Synth Lead  
Synth TLapSyn Fairlight Synth Lead  
Voice Aahhl4 Fairlight Choir  
Voice Tenor3 Fairlight Organ  
Voice Vox Fairlight Organ  
Wind Flute Fairlight Wood Wind  
Wind Flute2 Fairlight Wood Wind  
Wind Fluthi Fairlight Wood Wind  
Wind Saxy Fairlight Brass  

Chamberlin Sound Collection Selection

Chinese Orchestra Sound Collection Selection

Mellotron Sound Collection Selection

Mellotron Master Tapes Sound Collection Selection
