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πŸ› Data Transformation Patterns


Conversion code might run in quite a few places, for example in background processes or even in the front-end. Here are some ideas how to structure code that converts one thing to another.



A class that converts one data structure to another. Typically more is involved than just converting a single object. A whole object graph might be converted to another, or a flat list or raw data to be parsed might be converted to an object structure or the other way around.

By implementing it as a Converter, it simplifies the code. You can then say that the only responsibility of the class is to simply transform one data structure to another: nothing more, nothing less and leave other responsibilities to other classes.


When converting one type to another one might use the TryGet-Insert-Update pattern. Especially when converting an Entity with related Entities from one structure to another this pattern will make the code easier to read.

TryGet first gets a possible existing destination Entity.

Insert will create the Entity if it did not exist yet, possibly setting some defaults.

Update will update the rest of the properties of either the existing or newly created object.

When you do these actions one by one for one destination Entity after another, you will get readable code for complex conversions between data structures.

Note that deletion of destination objects is not managed by the TryGet-Insert-Update pattern.

TryGet-Insert-Update-Delete / Full-CRUD Conversion / Collection Conversion

Used for managing complex conversions between data structures, that require insert, update and delete operations. There is no one way of implementing it, but generally it will involve the following steps:


Converting one collection to another may involve more than creating a destination object for each source object. What complicates things, is that there may already be a destination collection. That means that insert, update and delete operations are required. There are different ways to handle this depending on the situation. But a general pattern that avoids a lot of complexity, is to do the inserts and updates in one loop, and do the deletes in a second loop. The inserts and updates are done first by looping through the source collection and applying the TryGet-Insert-Update pattern on each item, while the Delete operations are done separately after that by comparing collections of Entities to figure out which items are obsolete.

In a little more detail:

Here follows some pseudo code for how to do it:

void ConvertCollection(IList sourceCollection, IList destCollection)
    foreach (var sourceItem in sourceCollection)
        var destItem = TryGet(...);
        if (destItem == null)
            destItem = Insert();

        destItem.Name = sourceItem.Name; // Update
    var itemsToDelete = destCollection.Except(sourceCollection);
    foreach (var itemToDelete in itemsToDelete)

The specific way to implement it, is different in every situation. Reasons that there are many ways to do it are:

Each variation has either overhead or elegance depending on the situation. If you always pick the same way of doing it, you may end up with unneccesary and unsensical overhead, or with an overly complicated expression of what you are trying to do.

The general forms above is a good starting point. Then it needs to work correctly. The next quality demand is a tie between readability and performance.

State Flagging

An alternative to TryGet-Insert-Update-Delete pattern, which kind of does a full diff of a source and destination structure, is maintaining a kind of flagging in the source structure: Added, Modified, Deleted and Unmodified.

A downside is that when two people try to save a piece of data at the same time, you may end up with a corrupted structure. It depends on the situation whether this would happen at all, since not all data may be edited by every user.

Another downside to flagging is that the source structure must be adapted to it, which is not always an option / a good option.

The TryGet-Insert-Update-Delete pattern, though, creates a last-user-wins situation, because not flagging determines whether it is an Update or Insert, but actual existence of dest object determines it.


An analog of a ViewModel, but then for document generation, rather than View rendering. It is a class that contains all data that should be displayed in the document. It can end with the suffix Model instead of DocumentModel for brevity, but then it must be clear from the context that we are talking about a document model.

Just as with ViewModels, inheritance structures are not allowed. To prevent inheritance structures it may be wise to make the DocumentClasses classes sealed.




For data transformations you may want to split up the transformation in two parts:

This is especially useful if there are either multiple input formats or multiple output formats or both, or if in the future either the input format or output format could change.

This basic pattern is present in many architectures and can be applied to many different parts of architecture.

Her follow some examples.

Generating a Document

An example of where it is useful, is generating a document in multiple format e.g. XLSX, CSV and PDF. In that case the data selection and basic tranformations are programmed once (a Selector that produces a Model) and exporting three different file formats would require programming three different generators. Reusable generators for specific file formats such as CSV may be programmed. Those will make programming a specialized generators very easy. So then basically exporting a document is mostly reading out a data source and producing an object graph.

Data Source Independence

The Selector-Model-Generator-Result pattern is also useful when the same document can have different data sources. Let’s say you want to print an invoice out of the system, but print another invoice out of an ordering system in the same formatting e.g. a PDF. This requires 2 Selectors, 1 Model and 1 Generator, instead of 2 Generators with complex code and potentially different-looking PDF's.

Multiple Import Formats

You might want to import similar data out of multiple different data sources or multiple file formats. By splitting the work up into a Selector and a Generator you can share must of the code between the two imports, and reduce the complexity of the code.

Limiting Complexity

Even if you do not expect multiple input formats or multiple output formats or a change in input or output format, the split up in a Selector and a Generator can be used to make the code less complicated to write, and subsequently also prevent errors and save time programming and maintaining the code.


MVC itself contains a specialized version of this very pattern. The following layering stacks are completely analogous to eachother:
